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Family at UZH


wiederholung des symbolfotos bunte luftballone

kihz Foundation

The kihz Foundation offers a range of childcare options which cover some of the holiday periods. It is worth taking advice.

Regular childcare in the day care centers of the kihz Foundation (Childcare in the Academic Area Zurich)

In the eight kihz day care centers located near workplaces or study locations, children from 4 months old up to kindergarten age are lovingly cared for. Kihz offers subsidized places. There are still vacancies available, get informed now!
Website kihz: Vacancies

If interested, please contact: Kathrin Müller, 044 634 56 69,

Short-Term Childcare

Childcare that you need at short notice, for unexpected childcare problems, can be arranged via the kihz Foundation’s kihz Flex service. For more information go to kihz Flex.

Childcare at Internal UZH Conferences

For internal events at UZH, the kihz Foundation offers an option for booking on-site childcare via its kihz Mobil  service.

Financial support for childcare during congress trips

Doctoral students whose participation in a congress would be endangered due to a lack of childcare can apply to the Graduate School for a contribution to the costs incurred for on-site childcare up to a maximum of 300 CHF per year. For further information, visit Financial support for childcare Graduate School

Childcare during school holidays

kihz Ferienbetreuung

Stadt Zürich Ferienangebote (in German)

Alternative day-care centres

In addition to the day-care centres of the kihz foundation you will find some additional day-care facilities located close to the universities. In some form or another these day- care centres are supported by the UZH and ETHZ. Please choose “About us/ Alternative to kihz” as soon as you have clicked on the following link:
kihz Foundation. You will find a list of all alternatives.

Juniors Club ASVZ

Each Saturday and Sunday, from 10.15 a.m. to 1 p.m., children age 4 and up can frolic and play in the sports hall of the ASVZ Sport Center Polyterrasse, bouncing, swinging, jumping, balancing, sliding, rolling and playing games with the appropriate equipment. ASVZ instructors trained in childcare and sport supervision look after the kids so their parents can go about their own sports activities at the ASVZ. 

This offer is only available to children of parents with valid ASVZ card.

Juniors Club ASVZ (in German)

When Children Are Ill

The necessary time, up to a maximum of five working days of paid leave per case of a child’s illness or accident, will be granted to families with infants/toddlers or school-age children