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Family at UZH

Changing Tables and Feeding Rooms

wiederholung des symbolfotos babyfüsse

Fixed Changing Tables

The University of Zurich provides changing tables in various buildings.

City Campus

  • Building KO2, room E-51, ladies’ toilets
  • Building KO2, room E-58, ladies’ toilets
  • Building MEN, room A-11, men’s toilets
  • Building MEN, room A-12, ladies’ toilets
  • Building ZUI, room B-26, ladies’ toilets

Close to City Campus

  • Building KIR, room 1-108, toilet facilities


  • Building BIN, room 4-A.41, men’s toilets
  • Building BIN, room 4-A.42, ladies’ toilets
  • Building BIN, room 1-C.42, toilet facilities
  • Building AFL, room E-097, ladies’ toilets

Irchel Campus

  • Building Y05, room G-40, ladies’ toilets
  • Building Y05, room G-12, men’s toilets

Key to Building Names

Mobile Changing Tables

Do you need a changing table nearby? In your department? At the cafeteria? Somewhere else?

The Gender Equality Commission (GEC) provides mobile changing tables free of charge. Please contact the Office for Gender Equality and Diversity at the site you need the table., Phone: +41 44 634 22 16.

Feeding Rooms

At each major UZH building, the University of Zurich offers mothers a special room in which to breastfeed. This is generally the first aid room.

To find out where your closest feeding room is located, please check the fact sheet "Still-/Ruheräume" (in German). You can find it in the paragraph Sanitätszimmer und AED (Defibrillatoren) at

Please let us know that you are using these rooms, some of which have a refrigerator. Contact:

Silvana Egli, Head of Operational Health and Safety / or
Phone: +41 44 63 54178 / +41 44 63 54410 (Adminstrative Office SU)